English Essays

Health Is Wealth Essay 250 Words with Meanings

Health Is Wealth Essay 250 Words with Meanings

Health is Wealth

Fitness and health are the condition of human body when all systems and organs or proper y without any disorder. The microorganisms like bacteria and viruses which cause may spread easily from person to person by entering the body through t’ nose, by breathing through mouth, by drinking or eating or directly through the skin. For maintaining the health, we should keep ourselves and our environment neat and clean and should use good food and balanced diet.

In order to keep us fit and healthy as health is wealth, it is necessary to take a balanced diet and take precautionary measures against diseases and adopt hygienic ways and means for healthy living. When a person possesses a good health, he remains happy and can perform the activities of life in proper way. A sick person feels unhappiness and does not enjoy the charms of life. It is also necessary for maintaining good health to take exercise regularly because our life has organized in such a way that we pass most of our time sitting at one place, doing some work in an office, reading and studying, sitting at business counters and at computers for a long time. All these activities are performed in well-organized manner when the body is physically fit and healthy. It is therefore, necessary that the blood should circulate properly to supply the necessary nutrients and oxygen to all the cells of different parts of body. This is only when one keeps his 0r her body healthy by keeping the principle of hygiene and doing exercise regularly as a healthy bod possesses a healthy brain.

disorderto disturb the order ofchaos
microorganismsn organism of microscopic or ultramicroscopic sizebacteria
precautionarycare taken in advancepreventive
nutrientsa substance or ingredient that promotes growth, provides energy, and maintains lifefoodstuff
possessesto have and hold as propertycarries

1000 Words Essay on Health Is Wealth



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