English Essays

My Hobby Essay

My Hobby Essay 150 Words with Synonyms


A hobby is an interest engaged in for relaxation as a leisure time activity. Time is very precious in the life of person. Leisure time activities have their great importance because they give not only pleasure but also knowledge and physical health. One should choose such a leisure time activity which is not only a source of joy but also a source of acquiring knowledge.

Leisure time activities when adopted as hobbies, they become a source of obtaining relaxation of mind and soul. There are a number of hobbies or leisure time activities. Some people are fond of singing, others like to draw pictures in their leisure time. Some collect stamps and old coins.

My leisure time activity is quite different from others. I love the plants; therefore, gardening is my hobby. Fortunately, I have enough space in my home for completing my interest. I love the grassy lawn, young plants, trees and colourful flowers. I have prepared many beds and plots. Each bed is a picture like containing different kinds of flowers. In the plots there are different kinds of trees. My little garden is surrounded by hedges. I also grow vegetables in my garden. My hobby or leisure time activity is very beneficial to me. It is providing me amazing knowledge about the life of plants.

Others Name

  • My favorite Recreation
  • Importance of leisure time activities
engagedto take a coursewilling
leisuretime free from work or dutiesrecreation
acquiringto get as one’s owngetting
preparedsubjected to a special process or treatmentget ready
hedgesa fence or boundary formed by a dense row of shrubs or low treesbushes
amazingcausing astonishmentastonishing
My Hobby Essay 250 Words

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