English Writing

4 Basic Principles of Effective for English Writing

4 Basic Principles of Effective for English Writing

The POWER Principle

Writing is said to be one of the strongest ways of expressing oneself. No other activity enhances human creativity like writing This is because writing and thinking go hand in hand. It requires a lot of imagination in order for the pencil to run on paper.

There are many different types of writings that help expand our imagination and creativity. Writing a letter is different from writing a newspaper article or a play. We can only excel and master the art of expressing ourselves through our writing by reading books written by different authors from a wide array of genres. Reading various kinds of books gives a better idea as to how situations and thoughts can be expressed in different ways. Of course, reading alone is not enough. One also has to do a lot of writing practice as well

The POWER Principle is an effective method that is meant to ’empower’ writers. If followed properly, it can help anyone with almost any type of writing. It has been simplified into an acronym so it can be remembered on the fingertips (or rather a ‘powerful’ fist). Learn the POWER Principle and put your pen to work.

P= Plan the topic

(Understand what the topic is & gather material & information about it)

O= Organize ideas

(decide what material & information to use and what not to use)

W= Write the draft

(the first rough piece)

E= Edit the draft

(Decide if anything needs to be deleted or added to make it better)

R= Revise the draft

(proofread for spelling finalize the draft)

Remember that the best kind of writing is one that is original. Plagiarism is a crime that is punishable by law and mars your credibility and reputation as a writer forever.

More POWER to you!

Principles Of Effective Writing PDF

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