English Essays

Importance of Technical Education Essay for Grade 7

Importance of Technical Education Essay for Grade 7

The importance of Technical Education

Technical education is given in Mechanical, Electrical, Wood working, Automobile, Electric wiring. Chemical and in other trades while vocational education is given in Engineering, Medical, Law and Commerce. Technical and vocational education is necessary for Pakistan because trained and skilled individuals are produced with the help of this education. Technical and vocational education is a big source of providing employment in the country, because people get success and specialization in a particular field after obtaining a technical training. Creative abilities are developed among the students of technical and vocational education, hence with the help of technical education skilled expertise can be prepared for the industries of Pakistan. Similarly, vocational education provides engineers, doctors and lawyers who can-develop the country by using their technical and vocational services.

The present era is that of technical and vocational education which helps in sustainable economic and industrial development. The government of Pakistan is spending huge funds for the improvement of technical education in Pakistan. Many institutions for technical education have been established throughout Pakistan.


vocationalrelating tooccupational
fieldan open land area free of woods and buildingsarea
sustainablebeing a method of harvestingviable
hugeof great size or arealarge
establishedaccepted and recognized or followed by many peopleset up

Importance of Technical Education Essay

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