
300 List of Abbreviations In English

Most Common Abbreviations List

Abbreviations help us a lot by saving our precious time and efforts.

In every field like Medicine, Engineering, Computer Sciences, Social Networking, short forms for long, difficult words are used in order to explain one’s ideas in a quick way, and these are called abbreviations.

They are widely used formally as well as informally. Using abbreviations has a great effect on humans because the short text makes us read more and understand better by avoiding the same words multiple times.

It’s also a convenient way to note down conversations, lectures, etc. Here is a list of important abbreviations which are used in everyday life. A pdf file is also available free of cost to download and learn with ease.

Social Media Abbreviations

Abbreviations Name
ASL Age/Sex/Location
AFAIK As far as I know
BRB Be Right Back
BTW By the way
BCNU Be seeing you
B4N Bye for Now
BFF Best Friends Forever
CTN Can’t talk now
CYA Cover You’re A**
CYE Check your email
DI Download
ETA Estimated time of arrival
FYI For your information
FBO Facebook official
FWIW For what it’s worth
GG Good game
GR8 Great
GL Good luck
GMV Got my vote
GTG Got to go
GJ Good job
HTH Hope this helps
HMB Hit me back
ILY I love you
ISO In search of
IRL In rela life
IMHO In my humble opinion
J/K Just Kidding
LOL laugh out loud
L8R Later
LMAO laughing my a** off
OMG Oh my God
OT Off topic
PPL People
PC Personal computer
POS Parent over shoulder
PLS Please
POV Point of view
PTFO Passed the f** out
RBTL Read between the lines
RT Real time
SFW Safe work work
TTYN Talk to you never
TY Thank you
TTYS Talk to you soon
TXT Text
W/E Whatever
W8 Wait

Time Abbreviations

Abbreviations Name
min Minute
sec Second
AM Ante Meridiem (before noon)
PM Post Meridiem (afternoon)
BC Before the Year 0
AD After the Year 0

Title Abbreviations


Abbreviations Name
PA Personal Assistant
Dpt. Department
Capt. Captain
Col. Colonel
VP President
SVP Senior Vice President
Prof. Professor
RN Registered Nurse
CMO Chief Marketing Officer
CFO Chief Financial Officer
Lt. Lieutenant
MD Medical Doctor
Gov. Government
Mgmt. Management
St. Saint
Sgt. Sergeant
Dr. Doctor
Gen. General
CEO Chief Executive Officer
EVP Executive Vice President
Mr. Mister
Sr. Senior
P President
Pol. Politics

Measurement Abbreviation

Abbreviations Name
Pt. Pints
Qt. Quarts
M Meter
ft. foot
no. number
oz ounce
Gal. Gallon
Lb. Pounds
in. inch
mi. mile
sq square
vol. volume
G Gram
Kg Kilogram
Cm Centimeter
mph. miles per hour
Mg. milligram
mm milimeter

Medical Abbreviations

Abbreviations Name
ETOH Alcohol
ECT Electro Conclusive Therapy
a/g ratio Albumin to globulin ratio.
b.i.d. Twice daily
ICU Intensive Care Unit
ITU Intensive Therapy Unit
JT Joint
LBP Low Back Pain
M/H Medical History
MVP Mitral Valve Prolapse
npo Nothing by mouth
NSR Normal sinus rhythm of the heart
p.o. By mouth
p.r.n. As needed
GvHD Graft vs. Host Disease
gtt Drops
BP Blood Pressure
C/O Complaint of
in vitro In the laboratory
in vivo In the body
N/V Nausea or Vomiting
NCP Nursing Care Plan
mg Milligrams
ml Milliliters
PD Progressive disease
p.o. By mouth
p.r.n. As needed
SOB Shortness of Breath
T Temperature
O.D. Right eye
O.S. Left eye
tab Tablet
Wt Weight
PD Progressive disease
PT Physical therapy
O.U. Both eyes
P Pulse
IU International Units
q.d. Each day
q2h Every 2 hours
qAM Each morning
qhs At each bedtime
qod Every other day
qPM Each evening
s/p Status post

Computer Abbreviations

Abbreviations Name
ACM Association for Computing Machinery
AI Artificial Intelligence
CD-RW CD Read/Write
CL Command Language
GUI Graphical User Interface
HP Hewlett Packard
ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit
AMD Advanced Micro Devices
X.400 Electronic Mail Protocol
X.500 Directory Server Protocol
BASIC Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BCD Binary Coded Decimal
CAN Campus Area Network
CASE Computer Aided Software Engineering
BPI Bytes Per Inch
DTS Digital Theater System
DVD Digital Video/Versatile Disk
DMA Direct Memory Access
DNA Digital Network Architecture
EFM Eight-to-Fourteen Modulation
ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator
CD-R CD-Recordable
CD-ROM Compact Disk Read Only Memory
HTTP HyperText Transport Protocol
IBM International Business Machine
WWW World Wide Web
XHTML eXtensible HyperText Markup Language
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
JRE Java Runtime Engine
JSP Java Server Pages
D/A Digital-to-Analog
DAT Digital Audio Tape
DRAM Dynamic RAM
DSN Distributed Systems Network
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
ISP Internet Service Provider
DDL Data Definition Language
DDS Digital Data Storage
LPM Line Per Minute
LSI Large Scael Integration
EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
MAN Metropolitan Area Network
MAR Memory Address Register
MB Mega Bytes
EDSAC Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator
EDVAC Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Calculator
ULSI Ultra Large Scale Integration
UPC Universal Product Code
UTF Unicode Transformation Format
VAN Value Added Network
NIC Network Interface Card
NICNET National Informatics Center NETwork
FEP Front End Processor
FLOPS Floating Point Operations Per Second
PAN Personal Area Network
PC Personal Computer
FM Frequency Modulation
GB Giga Bytes
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
HSS Hierarchical Storage System
HTML HyperText Markup Language
LAN Local Area Network
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
TB Tera Bytes
URL Uniform Resource Locator
USB Universal Serial Bus
IP Internet Protocol
PDF Portable Document Format
RAM Random Access Memory
ROM Read Only Memory
WAN Wide Area Network
WAP Wireless Application Protocol
VCR Video Cassette Recorder

Narmeen Khan: Narmeen Khan is a blogger, Graphic Designer, and Montessori Teacher who graduated from the top-ranked varsity of Pakistan. She is keenly interested to write blogs and loves to create content, particularly she is at home creating visual content. She is active on social media with a fan following of almost 90,000 people around the globe.
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