
Masculine and Feminine Gender List in English

Masculine and Feminine List for Grade 3

Here in this article, we are going to discuss masculine and feminine forms.

First, let us understand what masculine and feminine forms are. In the English language, different words are used to refer to males and females. The words that are used for males are the masculine forms. Whereas, for females, such words are called feminine forms.
While talking, it is very important to distinguish if the discussed subject is a male or a female.

For example,

  • Man…..Woman
  • Girl…..Boy
  • Brother…..Sister
  • Husband….. Wife
  • Niece….. Nephew
  • Cock…..Hen
  • King….. Queen
    Keep scrolling and you will find an extensive list of words in their feminine and masculine forms. They will improve your vocabulary and help you call others with proper words.

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Masculine Feminine
Father Mother
Son Daughter
Bachelor Maid; Spinster
Man Woman
Dog Bitch
Gander Goose
Sir Madam
Stallion Mare
Hostess Steward
Count Countess
Patron Patroness
Brother Sister
Son-In-Law Daughter-In-Law
Step-Son Step-Daughter
Manager Manageress
Giant Giantess
Poet Poetess
Tiger Tigress
Bullock Heifer
Brother-In-Law Sister-In-Law
Drake Duck
Sales Man Sales Girl
Gentleman Lady
Husband Wife
Maternal-Uncle Maternal-Aunt
Nephew Niece
Grandfather Grandmother
Wizard Witch
Boy Girl
Priest Priestess
Cock Hen
Baron Baroness
Jew Jewess
Drone Bee
Conductor Conductress
Mayor Mayoress
Negro Negress
Host Hostess
Traitor Traitress
Monk Nun
Instructor Instructress
Stag Hind
English Man English Woman
He-Mule She-Mule
Baron Baroness
Heir Heiress
Drone Bee
Waiter Waitress
Horse Mare
King Queen
Founder Foundress
Widow Widower
Author Authoress
Sultan Sultana
Master Mistress
Lion Lioness
Shepherd Shepherdess
Actor Actress
Hero Heroine
Fox Vixen
Benefactor Benefactress
Milkman Milk-Woman
Great-Uncle Great-Aunt
Landlord Landlady
Founder Foundress
Widow Widower
Author Authoress
Sultan Sultana
Master Mistress
Lion Lioness
Shepherd Shepherdess
Actor Actress
Hero Heroine
Fox Vixen
Benefactor Benefactress
Milkman Milk-Woman
Great-Uncle Great-Aunt
Landlord Landlady
Hunter Huntress
Murderer Murderess
Peacock Peahen
Salesman Saleswoman
Tutor Governess
Manservant Maidservant
Bull (Or Ox) Cow
Colt Filly
Prince Princess


Masculine and Feminine List with Picture

List of Genders of Nouns In English

Masculine and Feminine for Grade 2


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