The Phrasal Verbs with “KEEP” can be used in various ways, and its meaning can change depending on the accompanying preposition or adverb. Here are some common Phrasal Verbs with “KEEP”
The Phrasal Verb “KEEP” is a versatile and commonly used expression in English. It takes on different meanings when combined with various prepositions and adverbs. In this lesson, we’ll explore some of the key Phrasal Verbs with “KEEP” and understand how they are used in everyday language.
List of Phrasal Verbs with “KEEP”:
Learning about the different ways we use the word “keep” helps you get better at English and talk more precisely. These special phrases with “keep” are useful in many places, like when you’re doing everyday things or working. Try using them when you talk or write to become really good at English. We are providing in this article phrasal verbs with “keep,” with their meanings and examples It will make your English skills even stronger!
Keep up with:
- Meaning: To stay at the same level or rate as someone or something.
- Example: It’s hard to keep up with the latest technology trends.
Keep on:
- Meaning: To continue doing something.
- Example: Despite the challenges, she decided to keep on working towards her goals.
Keep off:
- Meaning: To avoid stepping on or touching something.
- Example: Keep off the wet paint!
Keep to:
- Meaning: To adhere to or stay within limits.
- Example: Please keep to the designated path.
Keep away:
- Meaning: To stay at a distance.
- Example: Keep away from the edge of the cliff.
Keep out:
- Meaning: To prevent someone or something from entering.
- Example: Keep out of the restricted area.
Keep down:
- Meaning: To control or limit something, especially costs or noise.
- Example: We need to keep down our expenses this month.
Keep in:
- Meaning: To remain indoors or in a specific place.
- Example: It’s raining, so let’s keep in today.
Keep to oneself:
- Meaning: To keep private or not share with others.
- Example: She tends to keep her thoughts and feelings to herself.
Keep from:
- Meaning: To refrain from or avoid doing something.
- Example: He struggled to keep from laughing during the serious meeting.
Keep after:
- Meaning: To continue to remind or nag someone about something.
- Example: I need to keep after him to finish his homework.
Keep at:
- Meaning: To persist in doing something.
- Example: If you want to improve, you need to keep at it.
Keep ahead:
- Meaning: To stay in front or remain ahead of others.
- Example: The runner tried to keep ahead of the competition.
Keep an eye on:
- Meaning: To watch or monitor someone or something closely.
- Example: Can you keep an eye on my bag while I go to the restroom?
Keep an open mind:
- Meaning: To be willing to consider new or different ideas.
- Example: It’s important to keep an open mind when solving problems.
Keep at bay:
- Meaning: To keep something or someone at a distance or under control.
- Example: Regular exercise helps to keep illness at bay.
Keep back:
- Meaning: To hold something or someone in reserve.
- Example: Keep back a little bit of the sauce for later.
Keep company:
- Meaning: To spend time with someone.
- Example: She kept him company while he waited for the bus.
Keep control:
- Meaning: To maintain control over a situation.
- Example: It’s important to keep control of your emotions in stressful situations.
Keep cool:
- Meaning: To remain calm, especially in a difficult or tense situation.
- Example: Try to keep cool under pressure.
Keep in check:
- Meaning: To control or restrain something.
- Example: The government needs to keep inflation in check.
Keep in mind:
- Meaning: To remember or consider.
- Example: Keep in mind that the deadline is approaching.
Keep in touch:
- Meaning: To maintain communication with someone.
- Example: Even though we’re far apart, we try to keep in touch.
Keep it down:
- Meaning: To lower the volume or noise.
- Example: Please keep it down; people are trying to work.
Keep it up:
- Meaning: To continue doing well or maintaining a good performance.
- Example: You’re doing a great job; keep it up!
Keep off of:
- Meaning: To avoid or stay away from.
- Example: Keep off of the freshly planted flowers.
Keep on about:
- Meaning: To continue talking about something.
- Example: She kept on about her exciting vacation.
Keep on with:
- Meaning: To continue doing something.
- Example: Don’t give up; keep on with your studies.
Keep out of:
- Meaning: To avoid becoming involved in a situation.
- Example: It’s best to keep out of their family disputes.
Keep pace:
- Meaning: To move at the same speed or rate.
- Example: Try to keep pace with the leader during the race.
Keep quiet:
- Meaning: To remain silent.
- Example: Please keep quiet during the movie.
Keep someone company:
- Meaning: To spend time with someone so that they are not alone.
- Example: I’ll keep you company while you wait.
Keep someone from:
- Meaning: To prevent someone from doing something.
- Example: His friends tried to keep him from making a bad decision.
Keep someone in:
- Meaning: To detain or restrict someone from leaving.
- Example: The teacher kept the students in after school.
Keep someone on:
- Meaning: To retain someone in a position or job.
- Example: The company decided to keep her on as a consultant.
Keep someone out:
- Meaning: To prevent someone from entering.
- Example: The bouncer kept the troublemakers out of the club.
Keep someone up:
- Meaning: To prevent someone from going to bed or sleeping.
- Example: The loud music kept me up all night.
Keep something at bay:
- Meaning: To keep something or someone under control or at a distance.
- Example: Regular exercise helps to keep illness at bay.
Keep something away:
- Meaning: To keep something at a distance.
- Example: Keep the children away from the construction site.
Keep something back:
- Meaning: To reserve or hold back something.
- Example: Keep back some money for unexpected expenses.
Keep something down:
- Meaning: To control or limit something.
- Example: Try to keep down your expenses this month.
Keep something from:
- Meaning: To prevent someone from knowing or discovering something.
- Example: Don’t keep the truth from your friends.
Keep something in:
- Meaning: To hold or confine something within.
- Example: Keep the dog in the backyard.
Keep something off:
- Meaning: To avoid talking about or mentioning something.
- Example: Let’s keep politics off the dinner table.
Keep something out:
- Meaning: To prevent something from entering.
- Example: The coat kept the cold air out.
Keep something up:
- Meaning: To maintain or continue something.
- Example: Keep up the good work!
Keep to a schedule:
- Meaning: To stick to a planned timetable.
- Example: It’s essential to keep to a schedule for the project to be completed on time.
Keep to a plan:
- Meaning: To adhere to a predetermined course of action.
- Example: Let’s keep to the plan to ensure everything goes smoothly.
Keep to oneself:
- Meaning: To keep something private or not share it with others.
- Example: She usually keeps her personal problems to herself.
Keep up appearances:
- Meaning: To maintain a certain level of outwardly positive or successful presentation.
- Example: Even though she was struggling, she tried to keep up appearances at work.
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