They are important to distinguish the main part of the text from the ordinary. They help us to focus and read in a better way. They keep two sentences distinct. All the special nouns like the name of a person, country, organization, etc. start with capital letters.
Certain rules in English tell us where to use and where not to use capital letters. These rules must be memorized.
All these rules with proper explanation and examples are discussed here so you can learn and write the English language in an excellent way.
The PDF file is also available for download.
Capital Letter ( A to Z)
- The sentences begin with a capital letter
- The book is on the shelf.
- He asked, ‘’And where are you going?”
- The question is, shall the bill pass?
- I saw a hip parrot in the
- Proper names are always written with a capital letter.
- Sub-Continent
- Jawed
- Adam’s family
- Anglo-Saxon
- Derivates of proper names used with a proper meaning arc written with capital letter.
- Roman
- Indian
- Japanese
- Chinese
- Italian
- A common noun or adjective forming an essential part of a proper name is capitalized.
- Saima Avenue
- Panama Canal
- Cape of Good Hope
- Holding Inn
- The plural forms of a common noun capitalized as a part of a proper name.
- State and Treasury Departments
- Indus and Ravi Rivers
- The names of organizations and their shortened names are written with capital letters.
- United Nations Organization (U.N.O)
- The official designations of countries, national domains and their principal administrative divisions are written with capital letters.
- United States of America
- Province Sindh
- Swiss Confederation
- Dominion of Canada
- Crown Colony of Hong Kong
- Republic of South Asia
- The names of days and months are written with capital letters.
- February
- March
- July
- Monday
- Friday
- Sunday
- A descriptive term used to denote a definite region, locality or geographic feature is written with capital letter.
- The Gulf States
- The Middle East
- The Temperate Zone
- The historical events are written with capital letters.
- Allah
- God
- Almighty
- Lord
- New Testament
- Ten Commandments
- Bible
- Quran
- Christianity
- The titles of publications, papers, documents, acts and laws are written with capital letters.
- Lucknow Pact
- Reader’s Digest
- Treaty of Versailles
12. Names of Official Department
- Faculty of Law
- Department of Modern Language
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