English Writing

Improve English Speaking through English Listening

Improve English Speaking through English Listening

Listening to English can improve your English speaking skills for sure. Sounds good. Well! It will sound best when you experience and practice it by yourself. We assure you that just listening can be an all-in-one life-saving tip for ESL speakers. The major Perk of; Improving your English speaking skills through English listening is, you don’t have to invest a special time for it. As you can practice it whenever you have to watch any video by watching its English version instead of listening to your mother tongue. Simple!

This article is equally beneficial for both basic level English speakers and Advance level English speakers. It can guarantee you pass TOEIC, TOEFL, and IELTS; English vocabulary, speaking, and listening sections without any difficulty. Keep reading.

Steps to improve your English speaking while listening to English:

Make sure to follow these tips step by step to achieve an accent that sounds like a native English speaker. And to catch an advanced level of English fluency.

1-Use Cake App for listening and speaking:

If you have just jumped into learning English Speaking I would recommend you to avail cake app. Cake app is a free app available on the google play store specially meant for ESL speakers to learn English Speaking by speaking, listening, practicing, and imitating native speakers. It gives you a grading on each practice to have an eye on your performance. You can listen to a native speaker and then repeat after him. Repeat an expression, take a pop quiz, and look up the definitions without any hack of leaving the app. Another perk of the cake app is you don’t need a real-time speaking partner to speak with you. And don’t have to experience any hesitation(in case you make a mistake) as it happens in the case of practicing with an individual.

How To Improve Listening Skills in English for Students

2-Listen to your speaking partner:

After practicing English listening and speaking on the Cake App you will be experienced enough to overcome the fear that you can’t even speak the basic language. And it will strengthen you to avoid any hesitation and don’t worry about making mistakes. You have to practice with your English-speaking partner for at least 15 minutes per day either on-call or by talking face to face. So, in this way, you can listen to how the next person is speaking and in which situation he is using a special sentence. Even you can ask him if you don’t know the meaning or purpose of that sentence.

English Listening Practice Audio

3-Listen to non-native English speaker:

In the next step; listen to a non-native speaker whose first language is the same as yours but he is a perfect advanced level English speaker. It will be easy for you to understand that person even though he will be using an American or British accent. Listen to him, try to repeat after him, you can also summarize after watching the whole video.

4-Listening to podcasts or audiobooks:

Listen to the podcasts, books, or stories in English. You understand the tones, expressions, correct usage of idioms, phrases, and slang words. Watch every podcast/audiobook twice or thrice.

5-Listen to/copy native English speaker:

Listen to the native English speaker to learn the proper accent and pronunciation of each word. You can have clue; how to use filler words or slang words and how to use synonyms. Listen properly to imitate him and try to complete each sentence as soon as that speaker completes it. Don’t be upset if you can’t understand any word/sentence, you will learn everything with time.

6-Listen to multiple English speakers having different accents simultaneously:

Listen to the multiple English speakers with different accents speaking at the same time. The best example of it is, to listen to speakers in a news channel show, or any other TV show. It masters you to understand different accent English speaking accents of different speakers belonging to different countries. Like you can understand American, British, Irish, and Spanish speaker accent at the same time if they belong to these countries. As you have to face people with different accents in life you have to be experienced enough to understand each accent thoroughly. Also, try to listen to people of different age groups and gender. Listen to kids, adults, male and female.

7-Listen to English Videos along with English subtitle:

If you are watching the news, funny videos, cartoons, a lecture, or any other informative video, watch it with English subtitles and listen to it with 100% attention. Learn the speakers in that video are expressing, and pronouncing each word. It will enhance your vocabulary, and it is the most interesting thing I have ever experienced. Give it a try! After you realize that you can understand words without Subtitles, develop a habit of watching without subtitles.

How to Improve Listening Skills in English PDF

8-Speed variation of listening:

Once you think you can understand a person speaking at a normal speed, start listening to a speaker who speaks faster than the previous one and then try listening to the fastest speakers. You can also speed up the voice by using the playback speed feature on youtube.

9-Use screen translate App:

Screen translate is an amazing; mobile app for translating and pronouncing every language into another language. No matter either you use Spanish, Arabic, Urdu, French, and German, you can always translate that language into English by using Screen Translate App and then click the audio to listen to the pronunciation.

, English Listening Practice for Beginners

Things to avoid:

1-Never try to translate while listening:

If you don’t know the meaning of any word or sentence doesn’t worry about it. Just let it go and move/jump forward. Complete listening/watching to your videos and watch that meaning later (if you want). Otherwise, no problem/leave it(skip).

2-Avoid Practising now and then:

You must, have to try English listening to improve your English. If you will practice_it now and then, it won’t work. If you are not free, for a long duration, you can practice for ten minutes/day instead of taking a gap.

3-Avoiding practicing with a speaking partner:

No matter you are following all the steps or not, you must have to speak with a person daily. It is the most effective tip then above all.

4-Avoid hesitation( be confident)

Oh, I can’t understand a native speaker. I will make a mistake while speaking with someone. Don’t worry about little things like this.


Improving your English speaking through English listening is a handy trick to follow that can make your pronunciation, speaking fluency, accuracy, vocabulary, and accent more robust than any other tool.

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