English Grammar

Pair of Words A to Z with PDF File

A - Z Pair Of Words

Pair of words have similar pronunciations but have different meanings and have different spellings. These are used to enhance our vocabulary to understand English properly. It helps us to communicate proficiently in English. We have piled up a huge collection of Pairs of words for 9th 10th-grade students to help them pass their English tests. Instead, pairs of words are very confusing, so they are an essential part of CSS, IELTS, GRE, and other difficult English proficiency

Adjured (requested)

I Adjured her to help me in my thesis writing.

Abjure (renounce)

He was abjured, that was his bike.

Adopt (legally take)

He adopted a baby boy.

Adapt (become adjusted)

A human cannot easily adapt to environmentally different places.

Appraise (assess or estimate)

The progress of a person is appraised by his consistency and hard work.

Apprise (inform)

I apprised you about the test report.

A lot (a large number)

I bought a lot of kid’s storybooks for my nephew and niece.

Allot (give) He allotted the house to me.

Amiable (lovable)

His behavior is amiable to me.

Amicable (friendly)

He has an amicable relationship with me.

Anecdote (amusing story, tale)

The cartoons present different anecdote stories.

Antidote (medicine)

Prayer is the best antidote to get rid of stress.

Breath (air inhaled into and expelled from lungs)

I love to breathe in the fresh air.

Breath (take air into or expel from lungs)

Take a long breath to feel the freshness in the air.

Besides (apart from)

Besides studying, I also have to work part-time for fulfilling my financial needs.

Beside (next to)

He was sitting beside me.

Bored (feeling impatient and weary)

I was bored listening to her presentation.

Board (a piece of wood)

The carpenter was cutting boards.

Incidence (frequency)The incident photon was targeted on the crystal.

Incident (occurrence)

It’s sometimes impossible to forget some incidents.

Ingenuous (innocent)

He is very ingenious and doesn’t understand the difficulties of life.

Ingenious (skillful)

He is ingenious in his field.

Intensive (deep)

Crystallography needs intensive knowledge to understand the theory.

Extensive (vast)

The sea covers an extensive water body.

Confident( assured)

He is a very Confident person.

Confidant( best friend)

He is my confidant.

Core ( heart or center)

Our earth has a molten enormous core with a large amount of energy.

Corpse ( body)

The corpse was swimming in the river.

Caste( throw)

He cast stones on the old man.

Cast( casting or ejection)

Just is the famous cast in our area.

Cloth ( cotton or stuff)

He showed me different varieties of cloth.

Clothe(ready-made suits)

He showed me different varieties of cloth.

Coarse( gruff)

The coarse outer layer protects from external injuries.

Course ( series)

The complete course will control your disease.

Chord ( arch or loop)

Ayesha struck the first chord of the prelude.

Cord ( fiber or string)

The goat was tied with a cord.

Cattle ( herd of bulls)

All cattle were growing well because of nutritious feed.

Kettle( boiler or pot)

She served tea in the kettle.

Ceiling (roof or beam)

The ceiling of the room was not maintained.

Sealing( closing or secure)

I saw him when he was sealing the letter.

Conscious( attentive or aware)

He seems very conscious of the bad effects of hepatitis.

Conscientious( fussy or diligent)

He is very kind and conscientious to others.


Dual ( both or common)

He showed dual character during the discussion.

Duel ( fight)

The duel started with swords.

Dose( dosage or application)

I have lost my medicine dose.

Doze( nap or slumber)

He was dozing while sleeping.


Dairy( dairy form or buttery)

He runs a dairy farm in his spare time.

Diary( notebook or record)

He writes his diary regularly.

Decent( cute or innocent)

You are looking decent today.

Descent( plunge)

His father was of half Italian and half Irish descent.

Dissent( disunity or division)

I do not want to have any dissent.

Dependent( reliant)

We are dependent on each other as social animals.

Dependant( living on others)

He is dependent on others for residence.

501 Pair Of Words

Deer( an animal or buffalo)

I saw a deer in the jungle.

Dear( expensive or darling)

My dear Uncle, I cannot go with you because I am busy.

Dye( coloring)

He dyed my clothes well.

Die( dead or tired)

He died because of hunger.

Draft( version or outline)

I have created enormous drafts.

Drought( scarcity)

During drought conditions, there was a need for water.

Eligible ( capable or having abilities)

He is eligible for this job.

Illegible( unintelligible)

Although he is illegible he has some good manners.

Envelop( cover)

The book was enveloped with a plastic cover.

Envelope ( bag, box, or pouch)

He cut the envelope into many pieces.

Eminent( big name or distinguished)

Abu al-kalam Azad was a most eminent personality at the time of partition.

Imminent: ( looping or possible)

Death is imminent.

Fair( justice or on merit)

That was difficult but fair to everyone.

Fare( rent)

He did not pay the fare that’s why he was dismissed from the room.

Fain( merry or happiness)

He cried with fain.

Feign(  devise)

She looked over at Dean and feigned a smile.


Forego( forward)

Micky agreed to forego his holiday.

Forgo( quit or abstain)

Instead, they are likely to delay or even forgo marriage.

Feet ( hoof or tootsies)

His feet were injured.

Feat( tricks)

The magician showed many feats in the class.

Pair Of Words In Urdu

Foul( wrong or illegal)

He always plays the foul game.

Fowl( a type of bird)

Chicken and ducks are two types of fowl.

Farmer ( grower or producer)

Farmers are facing the problems of fertilizer deficiency these days.


Among the former one was better.

Floor( basement)

He lives on the third floor of the building.

Flour( grind)

Flour is very costly these days.

Form ( structure)

let’s form a neat and clean map.

Farm( field or garden)

He is running a dairy farm.

Gate( door or exit)

Our gate is made up of aluminum.

Gait( motion or movement)

His gait is very slow.

Goal( aim or purpose)

All of them have one goal in society.

Jail ( jail or prison)

After escaping from jail he died.

Hole ( cut, dip, or dent)

A small hole can cause a sudden explosion.

Whole( all or entity)

The whole class was absent on Friday.

Hail (greet) It has been hailing since morning.

Hale( healthy) You are looking hale and healthy nowadays.

Hare ( rabbit-like animal)

The hare is a very active animal.

Heir ( owner)

This house’s heir to me.

Horde ( mob or gang)

A horde of children ran over the building.

Hoard ( stock)

They dug up a hoard of Roman coins.

Heal ( restore or recover)

My wound is healing fast.

Heel(high )

Shoes with high heels are dangerous.

Herd (group of animals)

Many dog breeds are used for herding.

Heard ( noted or listened to)

I heard a loud sound behind me.

License (to allow permission)

I have applied for a driving license.


My restaurant has been licensed to sell liquor.

Lesson(teaching or study)

Seminars provide us with entertainment as well as useful lessons.

Lessen(the act of minimizing)

Exercises lessen our mental stress.


The house was decorated with different lighting on the eve of marriage.


To lightening stress, exercise is necessary.

Meet( join or together)

I met him last month in the market.

Meat( substance or part of the muscle)

The dog was happy after receiving a piece of the meat.

Pair Of Words In English


Metal( a natural resource or mineral)

Gold is a very precious metal.

Mettle( courage or spirit)

She showed her mettle during pressure conditions.

Naughty(bad or disobedient)

There is always a naughty student in every class.

Knotty( complex)

She was stuck in a lot of knotty problems

Male(mister or masculine)

Both males and females have equal rights in society.


I am sending you a mail please check this.


He will marry after the completion of his studies.


You are looking merry today.

Medal(prize of honor)

Mohammad Rizwan has received many medals because of his brilliant performance.


Don’t meddle with him while he is studying.

Prophecy ( revelation)

Prophecies of the author come true.

Prophesy( portend)

I am not unskilled in prophesy but have true knowledge.

Piece(bit, chunk, fragment, or portion)

The bike was split into many pieces after the accident.

Peace( accrued or truce)

Peace is a compulsory part of society.

Practice( exercise or work)

Practice makes the man perfect.

Practise( drill)

He began to practice in 1999 in Lahore.

Plan( intend or aim)

They have planned for the next match.

Plane( a completely level or flat)

The plane disappeared behind the clouds.

Pray(beg or appeal)

Pray for my exam.

Prey( feed)

He preys on birds.


I am working with you at a very low profit.

Prophet(messenger of God for leading people)

Prophets have pure souls.


Pair Of Words A To Z


Pale( fain, dull, gray, or deathlike)

Before death, his color turned pale.

Pail(container or jug)

He poured a pail of water on fire.


The major principle of this hostel is to respect your seniors.

Principal(chief or dominant)

He was punished by the principal because of his rude behavior in class.

Pain( irritation, wound, or trouble)

I am feeling pain in my leg for a long time.

Pane( blanket, coat, or layer)

The pane was broken at a specific point.

Pore(a hole)

There are tiny pores on the surface of plants for gaseous exchange.


Pour a little more water into the jug.

Physics( natural philosophy)

Physics is an interesting subject.

Physique( body structure)

He has an ideal physique.

Pair(couple or both)

I bought a pair of shoes today.


I pare my nails regularly.

Pear(a fruit with a sour taste)

The pear is a very nutritious fruit.

Petrol(a kind of fuel used by machinery)

The prices of petrol are increasing day by day.

Patrol( guard or police)

They made hourly patrols of the area.

Rite ( custom)

Bad rites should be eradicated from society.

Write( compose)

He wrote an application for leave yesterday.

Right( freedom, interest, or benefits)

He always cares about human rights.

Raise( increase or development)

He raised our national flag on the eve of 14 August.

Rays ( electricity or potential)

Sun rays are essential for our body.

Root( base)

Plants have many types of roots.

Route( way)

He always chooses a shortcut route during the journey.

Ring( band or round)

I bought a new golden ring.

Wring( extract)

He wrings the lemon with his hands.

Rain ( rainfall)

It is raining heavily in Lahore.

Rein( curb or hold)

They gave free rein to his imagination.

Reign( dynasty or tenure)

May he reigns in your heart.

Soul ( courage)

Our body is useless without a soul.

Sole (bottom)

This shoe has a soft sole.

Stair( grade or points)

He fell down the stairs.

Stare( glaze)

Staring at someone for a long time is not a good habit.

Stationery( pen and paper)

Stationery items are costly nowadays.

Stationary( motionless)

He collided with a stationary vehicle.

Suit( dress)

He flicked the dust particles from his suit.

Suite( apartment or portion)

That was a nice suite of furniture.

Story ( tale)

My life stories are very painful.

Storey( portion)

He lives in the third story of the building.

Straight( short)

Straight trees have crooked roots.

Strait ( crossroad)

We will transit the strait at night.


Sour ( bitter)

I like sour fruits.

Sore (hurting)

My leg is still very sore.

Pair Of Words A To Z

Steel( a type of metal)

I bought some steel items from the market yesterday.

Steal ( take something without permission or abduct)

He stole my purse during the journey.

Sale( business)

This house is for sale at a very low price.


He sailed around the world on a luxury liner.

Tale( story)

The end of the tale was very interesting.

Tail ( back end)

This dog without a tail looks bad.

Teem( full)

The pool teemed with fish.

Team( group of people with the same mission)

Teamwork is necessary for success.

Thrown ( launched or tossed)

The ball was thrown by him.

The throne ( chair or dignity)

He sat on the throne of the king and was punished for this act.

Quite ( perfectly or actually)

he is quite right in this matter.

Quit(muted or silent)

Keep quiet in the class.

Vain ( fail)

He tried again and again but in vain.

Vein( artery or vessel)

Our body consists of many veins for the circulation of blood.

Vale( natural beauty)

Vales increase the natural beauty of the place.

Veil ( curtain or mask)

Wearing a veil is compulsory according to the education of Islam.

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