In this blog post, you will learn over 60 different reptiles names along with pictures to help you recognize them easily. Reptiles are cold-blooded animals that include snakes, lizards, turtles, and crocodiles. Knowing their names and types can improve your understanding of these fascinating creatures. Whether you’re learning for school, curiosity, or general knowledge, this visual guide will make it easy to remember and identify various reptiles.
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Reptiles Names List
- Alligator
- Crocodile
- Snake
- Turtle
- Tortoise
- Iguana
- Lizard
- Cobra
- Python
- Anaconda
- Chameleon
- Rattlesnake
- Boa
- Gecko
- Viper
- Mamba
- Black Mamba
- King Cobra
- Copperhead
- Cottonmouth
- Dragon
- Gila Monster
- Gharial
- Caiman
- Basilisk
- Thorny Devil
- Taipan
- Hellbender
- Puff Adder
- Constrictor
- Anaconda
- Rattlesnake
- Slow Worm
- Timber Rattler
- Asp
- Massasauga
- Mocassin
- Black Racer
- Boomslang
- Burmese Python
- Chinese Alligator
- Egyptian Cobra
- Indian Cobra
- Queen Snake
- Shink
- Brookesia Micra
- Angonoka
- Carapace
- Australian Gecko

Reptiles Names and Their Facts
- Alligator: Freshwater reptiles with a U-shaped snout; primarily found in the southeastern US and China.
- Crocodile: Saltwater reptiles with a V-shaped snout; found worldwide and known for their powerful bite.
- Snake: Over 3,000 species exist, and they’re found on every continent except Antarctica.
- Turtle: Known for their hard shells; they live both in water and on land.
- Tortoise: Land-dwellers and typically have a lifespan longer than many other animals, some living beyond 150 years.
- Iguana: Primarily herbivorous lizards, with the green iguana being the most famous.
- Lizard: Over 6,000 species; can range from a few centimeters to up to 3 meters in length.
- Cobra: Known for their hood; some species can “spit” venom.
- Python: Non-venomous constrictors; some of the largest snakes in the world.
- Anaconda: A group of large snakes found in South America; the green anaconda is the heaviest snake in the world.
- Chameleon: Known for their ability to change color and their independently mobile eyes.
- Rattlesnake: Venomous snakes known for their distinctive rattle at the end of their tail.
- Boa: Another group of large non-venomous constrictor snakes.
- Gecko: Over 1,500 species; known for their vocalizations and adhesive toe pads.
- Viper: A large group of venomous snakes; known for their long, hinged fangs.
- Mamba: Highly venomous; the black mamba is one of the deadliest snakes.
- Black Mamba: Can reach speeds of up to 12 mph.
- King Cobra: The world’s longest venomous snake.
- Copperhead: Found in North America; known for their distinctive copper-colored head.
- Cottonmouth: Also known as water moccasin; found in the southeastern US.
- Dragon: Mythical creature; the Komodo dragon, however, is a real lizard and is the largest living lizard.
- Gila Monster: One of the few venomous lizards in the world; found in the southwestern US and Mexico.
- Gharial: Critically endangered; known for its long, narrow snout.
- Caiman: Close relatives of alligators; found mainly in Central and South America.
- Basilisk: Often called “Jesus Christ lizards” because of their ability to run on water.
- Thorny Devil: Australian lizard known for its spiny appearance.
- Taipan: One of the most venomous snakes in the world.
- Hellbender: A species of aquatic salamander found in the US.
- Puff Adder: Responsible for causing the most snakebite fatalities in Africa.
- Constrictor: Refers to snakes that kill their prey by squeezing.
- Slow Worm: Legless lizards found mainly in Europe.
- Timber Rattler: Another name for the Crotalus horridus, a venomous pit viper.
- Asp: Historically referenced in relation to Cleopatra’s death.
- Massasauga: A rattlesnake species found in North America.
- Mocassin: Another name for the cottonmouth snake.
- Black Racer: Non-venomous snakes found in the southeastern US.
- Boomslang: Tree snake from Africa; has a highly potent venom.
- Burmese Python: One of the five largest snakes in the world; invasive in Florida.
- Chinese Alligator: Critically endangered; one of the two alligator species.
- Egyptian Cobra: Found in Africa; can reach lengths of up to 3 meters.
- Indian Cobra: One of the “big four” snake species responsible for the most snakebites in India.
- Queen Snake: Non-venomous; found in North America.
- Shink: Small lizards found in Australia; known for dropping their tails as a defense mechanism.
- Brookesia Micra: One of the world’s smallest chameleons; found in Madagascar.
- Angonoka: Critically endangered tortoise from Madagascar.
- Carapace: The hard upper shell of a turtle or tortoise.
- Australian Gecko: A diverse group; Australia is home to over 140 species of geckos.

Rarest Reptiles Names
- Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle (Lepidochelys kempii): This is the rarest kind of sea turtle. It’s in big danger.
- Ploughshare Tortoise (Astrochelys yniphora): This tortoise is from Madagascar. It’s in big danger because of people and trading.
- Saint Croix Ground Lizard (Ameiva polops): This lizard is from the Virgin Islands. Its home is getting destroyed.
- Jamaican Iguana (Cyclura collei): People thought this iguana was gone. We found some in the 1990s. It’s still in big danger.
- Gharial (Gavialis gangeticus): This is a special crocodile from India. It’s in big danger.
- Chinese Alligator (Alligator sinensis): This is a very rare crocodile. Only a few are left in the wild.
- Geometric Tortoise (Psammobates geometricus): This tortoise is from South Africa. It’s in big danger.
- Roti Island Snake-necked Turtle (Chelodina mccordi): This turtle is from Rote Island in Indonesia. People want them as pets, so it’s in danger.
- Arid Land Ribbed Newt (Pleurodeles waltl): This newt is from Spain and North Africa. Its home is getting destroyed.
- Cayman Brac Rock Iguana (Cyclura nubila caymanensis): This iguana is from Cayman Brac Island. It’s in danger because of people and animals that eat it.
Popular Reptiles Names List
Here’s a list of popular reptile names that encompass a mix of commonly kept pets, well-known wild species, and iconic reptiles:
- Green Iguana
- Bearded Dragon
- Leopard Gecko
- Blue-tongued Skink
- Monitor Lizard (e.g., Komodo Dragon, Savannah Monitor)
- Anole (e.g., Green Anole, Brown Anole)
- Geckos (e.g., Crested Gecko, Tokay Gecko)
- Chameleon (e.g., Veiled Chameleon, Panther Chameleon)
- Gila Monster
- Frilled Lizard
- Ball Python (Royal Python)
- Corn Snake
- Reticulated Python
- King Cobra
- Boa Constrictor
- Milk Snake
- Green Tree Python
- Anaconda (e.g., Green Anaconda, Yellow Anaconda)
- Garter Snake
- Black Mamba
Turtles and Tortoises:
- Red-eared Slider
- Box Turtle
- Green Sea Turtle
- Aldabra Giant Tortoise
- Galápagos Tortoise
- Leatherback Sea Turtle
- Russian Tortoise
- Spur-thighed Tortoise
- Diamondback Terrapin
- Painted Turtle
- American Alligator
- Nile Crocodile
- Saltwater Crocodile
- Caiman (e.g., Spectacled Caiman)
- Gharial
- American Crocodile
- Dwarf Crocodile
- Morelet’s Crocodile
- Mugger Crocodile
- Chinese Alligator
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